Ota 20 ilmaiskierrosta

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Huom! Wanha, eka, toka, HUUTO, kiroilu, v*ttuilu ja muu p*rseily kielletty
Seuraus: IP-esto


06.03.11 20:30<noobero>portal <3
06.03.11 21:04<Kuoma>portal <3
06.03.11 21:08<Humppaporo>portal <3
06.03.11 21:14<VORTEX>portal <3
06.03.11 21:23<Marasd>MUHAAHAHAHAHA
06.03.11 21:24<Marasd>Siitäs saitte
06.03.11 21:31<ismolaitela>portal <3
06.03.11 21:50<Vuode>portal 2 <3
06.03.11 21:50<Blowpipe>ei kakku oo vale se näkyy ku pelaa portalin läpi kerpele
06.03.11 22:17<Kokaiini>portal <4
06.03.11 22:34<Creeper>portal <5
06.03.11 23:08<Mursunorsu>Blowpipe älä yritä pätee; portal <6
07.03.11 00:05<Hauskanimimerkk>Feikki, hotmail emaili =(
07.03.11 01:28<Cherryy>There's cake in my fridge. This isn't a lie
07.03.11 07:17<Dragonome>Portal > 3
07.03.11 08:47<Sevanteri>Portal <3
07.03.11 11:27<Blomberi>portal <3
07.03.11 14:22<PaistettuPulu>There was a cake in my fridge. Are my memories a lie?
07.03.11 14:53<Muuli98>Seems legit.
07.03.11 15:46<WolVenom>hotmail.co.uk - Seems legit.
07.03.11 15:49<suklaanappi>portal <3
07.03.11 16:02<Jaspeli>you go to your fridge for a cake, but you'll have to go to aperture to get THE cake
07.03.11 17:48<Buah>portal <3
08.03.11 13:34<Starglazer>Cake <3
08.03.11 15:28<R3la>portal <3
10.03.11 20:08<xLardman>AWESOME.
12.03.11 15:47<perenner>the cake is a lie -1, koska paskin jonnemeemu
14.03.11 15:04<ksgog>portal 2 <3
14.03.11 15:05<ksgog>ja portal<3
14.03.11 21:00<Zerottaja>portal <3
14.03.11 21:00<Zerottaja>ja miten oli combo? This was a triumph....
10.05.11 22:14<Smuldero>The cake is a pie! :O +1
22.05.11 14:22<Jelpe>The Cake Is A Spy!
31.10.11 23:18<-Rulma->just pelasin Portalin kaksi kertaa läpi :D Aperture Science We do what we must because we can. For the good of all of us. Except the ones who are dead.
20.04.13 23:33<Tesla>Black Mesa <3

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